Blended Teaching
London 5

Real Estate Investment & Finance

This class in Real Estate Investment & Finance will give you the foundational skills used by real estate investors all over the world to value assets and make investments.

What you will learn

This Classbook will teach you from scratch the essential real estate investment valuation skills, including:

  1. Essential theoretical concepts, including Time Value of Money, Compounding and Discounting.

  2. The Excel skills required to build cash flow models.

  3. An understanding of debt and equity, and how investors combine them to purchase real estate.

  4. How to value an investment property using DCF in Excel.

  5. How to include debt in a DCF in Excel.

  6. Common types of lease events and how they impact valuation.

  7. How to value multi-tenanted properties.

  8. How professional investors evaluate investment risk using sensitivity analysis.

How you will learn

Follow the content in order to build your knowledge and skills as you progress. You will use a range of audio, video, text, and quizzes to improve your learning outcomes and hopefully have some fun along the way!

Who this is for

This Classbook is for any university-level student wishing to learn about real estate investment techniques, including the use of debt. It combines essential finance theory, investment techniques and just enough, but not too much(!) accounting knowledge.

Better than a textbook

This content has been designed by experts in remote learning to replace the need for a textbook. This not only saves students money and the environment but also increases learning outcomes and satisfaction.

Did you know 1 textbook alone produces about 9lb of CO2 emissions (or roughly 9 cans of coke in weight of poisonous emissions)! Over the course of your degree, that adds up to the weight of roughly 1/2 a Panda of poisonous emissions. Byebye textbooksย ๐Ÿผ๐ŸŽ‰


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